AustradeThe Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade) is the Australian Government agency that helps Australian companies win overseas business for their products and services by reducing the time, cost and risk involved in selecting, entering and developing international markets. |
Economic and Trade Links - Australia and VietnamAustralia and Vietnam share a robustly growing commercial relationship, as evidenced by strong growth in two-way trade and a significant Australian investment presence in Vietnam. The following links give more information on this relationship, as well as providing information about upcoming events and press releases that relate to the relationship. |
Chambers of CommerceThe Australian Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam (AusCham) is an independent, not for profit, membership-based NGO (non government organisation). It does not receive any funding from the Australian Government or any of its agencies. Its revenue is generated through memberships, sponsorships, events and advertising. AusCham represents and promotes the interests of Australian businesses operating in Vietnam. We are proud to have a pivotal function in providing invaluable business and cultural support to our members’ and sponsors’ activities in this country. Read more about the Australian Chamber of Commerce, Vietnam (AusCham). |